23 December 2021

Two years in the making

 There are some photographs that take me years to execute.

While most of my photography is opportunistic, some images are the result of a concept that I hatch and then let simmer in my mind until the right location is found. Often I scout a place and take a note of the condition and light, hoping to come back when the desired elements are right.

For a while I wanted to create an image that would showcase a motorcycle and capture the close relation of the rider that took the time to customize it his way. My riding buddy Trevor has the right motorcycle, and the right shed where he spends many hours tinkering and improving his motorcycles.

I waited for a clear evening, with the sun set and the blue hour illuminating enough of the bike and the ceiling lights balancing the interior. The production took only half an hour but I spent about 10 hours editing the image to create that feel of  "man cave".

Scoot and Putt

Nikon Z-5 with refitted Yashinon-DX 40mm f1.7 

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