08 April 2015

The little things

A wet weekend forecast for Easter did not stop me removing myself from the city and head bush instead.
The light rain made me change my plans of a big walk with my backpack; I stayed put in the same remote place for a 3 nights.
That allowed me to slow down and become more observant noticing the little things, lower to the ground.

wet leaf_1_c
M. Zuiko 9-18mm (at 18mm) f8 1/60sec

ant crossing_1_c
M. Zuiko 14-42mmEZ (at 14mm) f11 1/25sec


  1. This is going to be one of my favourite photography sites, I can tell this right away.

    Andre (another photographer)

    1. Andre, don't have so much faith in my skills; it could all be just a flash in a pan :-)
      One thing is sure: GnarlyDog News was becoming too much of a mix and I needed to separate my type A personality from type B.
